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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I Am Paid to Write, My Way of Living

I'm writing articles right now.  It's good to have to check your vocabularies and stuffs.  I am paid to write and this is my way of living.  Once wrong grammar appears on my articles, it's rejection and no pay. So proofread before publishing it.  Anyway, English is a Universal Language which people all over the world can understand it.  I only write and speak simple English.

Let's be responsible on what we write when it is intended for the public.  We don't write something we don't know especially if we are talking about a certain topic.  What's the purpose of research, right? Before saying or writing something, make some research.  Readers or listeners will ask what you're talking about and you're ready to defend yourself when someone will ask questions regarding the topic.  At least, you're ready on what to answer and you won't find yourself tongue-tied.

People love right information that won't mislead us to something.  There are some terminologies that we don't understand.  If we already knew it, we even ask for clarifications or further explanations just to get rid of doubts.  No one can stop you when your basis is true.

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